friday five

friday fiveI went for a walk with some friends during a class break this past week. The snow is melting away day by day. I can't wait until these trees are green!Here are some links I'm loving this week:Hot Letters. I'm sure everyone has felt angry at some point in their lives. Instead of confronting the person to 'blame' for your anger, writing a (unsent) letter to them instead, will help the emotions cool down. I was talking to a friend recently about a personal situation and she asked me "What do you hope to achieve if you confront them?" Sometimes writing a hot letter is all you need, plus I personally find it very therapeutic to get those thoughts down on a piece of paper.Yoga in Schools. Research has shown that yoga can help children regulate their emotions and behaviour in a more effective way. My aunt practices yoga with her class at school, and I should ask her how the kids take to it. I know that I would have found it helpful in high school to better manage my stress and anxiety.The best is yet to come.  Excellent visual reminders. The official clinic schedule came out yesterday, and I am so excited (albeit nervous) to start practicing!Sweet Treats. These look and sound delicious. I'm thinking of whipping these up during a much-needed study break.& lastly...GOT Facts. The season premier of Game of Thrones is this weekend and I'm so incredibly excited. HBO has the best lineup of shows. Plus, this will help distract me from that HIMYM ending.


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