The best DIY natural deodorant recipe

natural deodorant

Each week my school features different themes, where students learn about various topics regarding that theme. Women's Health Week was a few weeks ago - and one of the events was a natural beauty product making workshop. Not one to miss out on events like this, I quickly signed up and anxiously waited for this day to arrive.

I was really happy to discover that we'd be learning how to make a sugar scrub (which I think I've mastered), lip balm, and deodorant. I'll be honest - I was definitely most excited to make a deodorant. My friends have mentioned that finding a good recipe/product is difficult, so I was looking for a recipe that was tried, tested, and true. I wanted to make the switch from an antiperspirant to natural deodorant because I wanted to gradually decrease the amount of chemicals absorbed by my skin (the underarms absorb a lot!) and lessen my toxic burden.

I've been wearing this deodorant for a couple of weeks now, and although it has taken some getting used to, it's done a great job as a deodorizer (it does not prevent your underarms from sweating).

Ingredients (for 1 small mason jar, about 1/2 cup)

  • 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil (anti-microbial properties)
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil (because it smells nice)


  1. Melt the coconut oil, pour into mason jar
  2. Stir arrowroot powder and baking soda into the coconut oil
  3. Add essential oils, and mix well

Note: You can add whichever essential oils you'd like - based on the smell, or botanical actions that you desire.


friday five


A DIY Shower Scrub for Healthy Skin