How to Start a Spring Detox

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We're well on our way into spring, and it's during this time when most people begin a detox. If you spring clean your house, why not spring clean your body? Detoxification is a great opportunity to press the 'restart' button on your body and bring it back to a balance - plus it's a great way to prep your body for a weight loss regimen.

There are so many ways to complete a detox, and sometimes it's best to start simple and increase difficulty as you continue. While most people think that detoxing merely involves changing the way you eat - it's also about practicing self care!

Here are a few simple ways that you can detox:

Drink water | About 2-3L per day, starting as soon as you get up. For an extra kick, add a few slices of lemon to your water to help flush your body of toxins.

Clean diet | Worry not - you don't need to go completely organic (it can get pretty pricey!) Check out the 'Dirty Dozen' and 'Clean Fifteen' and choose your foods from there. You may also want to consider decreasing your sugar intake, fried foods, and take-out! I find that preparing my food ahead of time for the week (ie. lunch), prevents me from buying lunch and eating something unhealthy. Do what works for you. I will mention however, the more vegetables you eat (bonus points: green and leafy) the better.

Helpful links: Get the morning started off right with a green smoothie

Deep breathing | Good thoughts in. Bad thoughts out. This one might be a bit obvious, but sometimes it's best to detoxify the mind and allow for peace to enter.

In the showerAlternating hot and cold showers. Dry brushing.

Exercise | Get your heart rate up, and get those sweat glands open. Hot yoga is a great way to detoxify, and it makes your muscles feel great afterwards.

Love | Call a friend. Cuddle. Give someone a hug.


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