The ULTIMATE self care routine

Feeling stressed? Check out my ULTIMATE self care routine. Let's make #selfcaresunday a thing!

Sundays have always been precious to me - they allow me to process the past week, and recharge for the upcoming one. Not only do I like the think that I've created the best hashtag (#selfcaresunday), but I also believe that I've perfected the ritual. Here's what my ideal self care Sunday entails:

Epsom salt bath. This is what started it all.  Epsom salt baths are my favourite - the salts contain magnesium which helps relax the muscles. I love to add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to the bath to also relax my mind.

Coconut oil hair mask. Massaging about 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in my hair and leaving it in there for about 30 minutes, is my ultimate fix it. I shampoo and condition it out at the end of my bath - and it moisturizes and resets my curls. I love doing this every week - especially in the summer months.

Sugar scrub. Everyone loves smooth and silky skin, right? At the end of the salt bath, I'll exfoliate my skin using a natural scrub - which helps increase circulation and lymphatic flow to the area (boosting our immunity!). They're incredibly easy to make yourself (check out a past article here), or you can purchase a ready-made version. A few months ago, I purchased LoveFresh's sugar scrub. Not only does it smell wonderful, it's made with natural ingredients - including Vitamin E and various wonderful herbs (think: calendula, salix, red clover)! While a little goes a long way, I tend to save it for special occasions.

Entertainment. Whether it be a fantastic album (might I suggest Coexist by The xx) or a podcast (TED Radio Hour, This American Life, Serial, Savage Lovecast), it's nice to relax with some off-screen time.

Tea.  Last but not least, I like to finish the night off with tea. Whether it be a mix of lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower or a simple green tea, it's nice to sip a hot and soothing beverage before bed.


Gluten and Dairy-Free Peanut Butter Cups


The benefits of epsom salt baths