My 5 Favourite Health & Wellness Apps

The 5 Health and Wellness apps that should be on every woman's smartphone

Instagram, Twitter, and 1010! (best game ever!) are arguably the most used apps on my smartphone. But considering the leaps and strides that have been made in the tech field (especially the health stream), it's nice to have some more 'serious' apps balance out the fluff. Here's a list of health and wellness apps that I use most often:

P Tracker Lite. I use this convenient app on a monthly basis to track my period. Yes, I know when my period generally starts - but I have the option of tracking symptoms (ie. migraines, moodiness, tenderness) as well as the characteristics of the actual flow (which becomes very interesting when using a DivaCup). Moreover, it gives you the average length of your cycle, as well as an estimate of when you're fertile and ovulating. I've been using this app for about 2 years now and I love it. From a naturopathic perspective it's a great learning tool, because so many naturopathic doctors who focus on women's health ask about the menstrual cycle - and it helps engage and empower women to ask and learn more about their cycle.

Nike Training. I've written about my love for this app before. I'm still in love with it. Essentially when I'm not working, I'll put on a movie or watch TV and workout at the same time. Nike's workouts range by levels, goal, length, and equipment. Plus you can also create your own program!

Skin Deep. This app was developed by the Environmental Working Group. When you enter in a product's name or scan its barcode it consults its cosmetics database to determine it's rating. The app will tell you about any health concerns (cancer, developmental/reprotoxicity, allergy), as well as rank the ingredients by hazard (high, moderate, and low). When I'm out shopping for cosmetics, I typically consult this app when I don't recognize certain ingredients. Some Canadian products are not on this database, which is something to keep in mind.

Health.  This app came pre-installed on my iPhone. I only use this app for the pedometer (although it does have many other features that presumably sync with the Apple Watch). When I was in Europe, there was one day where my partner and I walked 25km - so naturally for the rest of our trip we would guess how much we walked at the end of the day. Obviously this app wouldn't be very useful if your phone remains stationary for most of the day (which may be an indication that you should move more), but I've found it helpful on the days when I'm out and about.

Flipp. My mom introduced me to this great app! This is a grocery app for those of you who like to price match at the check-out line. What I like to do is plan my meals for the week, determine which ingredients I need to purchase, and enter those into the app - where it brings up various grocery stores that have the same product and the cost. The Superstore near my house allows for price matching, so I simply show them the cheaper price, and they match it. It's a fantastic way to save money, and it makes eating healthy more attainable.

 Are there any apps that I'm missing out on? What are some of your favourites?


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