Friday Five

Check out the 5 links I'm loving this week!

Yes - we're still on Europe pictures. This is from the national place of Mafra, Portugal. I have a thing for architecture (hence the 2000+ photos), so I shot tons of pictures from these angles to illustrate architecture's lost art.

It's been a busy week for me - I'm finalizing the details of where I'll be practicing. And in general I'm trying to get everything together. I also visited my first naturopathic doctor this week. Prior to that I was seeing student interns at CCNM - which was a fantastic experience as an introduction to naturopathic medicine, but since I've graduated and undergone many changes over the past few months, I decided to take the plunge and graduated to a licensed professional.

Here are the 5 links I'm loving this week:

Unlocking your family history. How much do you know about your parents? What about your grandparents? Your aunt and uncle? You get the point... How well do you know your family? What were they doing in their 20s? What were they scared of when they were little? it was only when my grandfather died, that I learned the true concept of mortality. Since then, I've found myself asking my grandmother random questions about her past. You don't know how much time you have left with your family (Debbie Downer, I'm sorry), so grab a coffee or tea and prepare to listen.

Choose to be grateful. Long but great read. Everyday be grateful for (1) an internal thing - giving thanks privately, (2) an external thing - giving thanks via public expression , and (3) a random thing - giving thanks for insignificant trifles.

The Silicon Valley Suicides. "Had parents really given their kids the idea that they had to perform? That their love had to be earned with A’s and Advanced Placement tests and trophies? They hadn’t meant to. Yet there, from one of their own kids, was the rebuke that in this community, no place or time or language existed that allowed kids to be vulnerable, much less broken, or even just to be: “We love our moms and we love our dads,” Martha said. “But calm down.”"

How old are you?. To lighten the mood, I took this buzzfeed colour test and scored 'a teenager.' It makes sense, I look like I'm 17. And I'm I'm actually almost 30, well then I'm doing something right!

Puffin Patrol. I've started watching 'The Nature of Things' on CBC. It's great. And while I lean towards watching health and wellness docs (my partner's netflix history attests to this), I branched out and watched a documentary on the puffin seabirds. They're my new favourite animal because they mate really cutely (hitting their beaks together), they're monogamous, and they're just adorable. My partner hasn't yet seen one in NFLD, so I guess I'll just have to go visit there myself.


Figuring out Food Reactions


Friday Five