Female Friday

How is the rest of your summer shaping up? Since returning from vacation, I *think* I'm ready for all things fall - knits, homemade PSLs, and changing leaves.

This photo is from an abandoned castle on the Tejo River in Portugal. In order to reach the castle, you need to take a boat (less than 5 minutes). It has a stunning view of the landscape and gave me some Game of Thrones vibes. 

Here's what you should be reading today:

How your period changes your brain

Do you believe that your brain functioning changes around your period? For example, as estrogen and progesterone levels increase during the month, women typically use both sides of their brain (instead of just one), potentially allowing for more flexibility of thinking. 

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Defined as: "one or more pelvic organs drops from their normal position in the body. These organs include the uterus, intestines, vagina, bladder, and rectum." The Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support Organization estimates that up to 50 percent of all women may have some degree of POP...general symptoms include a feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvic area, a lower backache, painful intercourse, a feeling that something is falling out of the vagina, urinary problems such as leaking of urine or a chronic urge to urinate, constipation, and spotting or bleeding from the vagina."

If this is something that you feel you might be experiencing, be sure to book an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist for further assessment. 

Endometriosis Reads

For those of you who may be living with endometriosis, have you read any of these books? I've read a few, my favourite being 'Doing Harm.' Check out my Facebook and Instagram to watch my reviews!

A survey of 1000 vaginas in 2018

All vaginas are not created equal. Check out this survey that The Kit recently released. 

Beyonce shining a light on preeclampsia

Are you familiar with pre-eclampsia? Beyonce is sharing her experience with it.


Female Friday


Female Friday