Female Friday

female friday

Please bear with me as I'll be sharing the most gorgeous photos for the next little while. I just returned from holiday, where I was lucky enough to visit Portugal and visit a *slice* of what it had to offer. A few of my favourite things: floating in the Atlantic, biting into a fresh pasteis de belem and driving along the Douro Valley. 

Here's what you should be reading:

Are you experiencing true intimacy?

An exploration of the four types of intimacy: physical, emotional, intellectual, and digital.

Do you know when fertility declines?

"Only 38 percent of men and 45 percent of women stated correctly that a woman’s fertility declines between 35 and 39 years of age, and only 18 percent of men and 17 percent of women knew that men’s fertility declines between 45 and 49, the authors said."

I definitely did not learn about fertility in university, although I did learn about contraception, consent, and supportive resources on campus during Frosh Week (and as a student health educator). Fertility is a huge topic in naturopathic medicine, as women often turn to NDs to learn how they can support their fertility using natural means. With some of my friends, fertility is something we talk about a lot - especially as we're female entrepreneurs. Having this conversation in university is important, especially with people who can help you navigate the complexities of the issue. 

Where to NOT store birth control

Do you take the birth control pill? You might want to reconsider where you store it. 

A new endometriosis drug

"In a placebo-controlled clinical trial involving almost 900 women with moderate to severe endometriosis pain, elagolix reduced menstrual pain in over 40 per cent of patients and non-menstrual pelvic pain in over 50 per cent when taken as a once-daily pill. It also reduced average pain ratings during sex.

The drug works by reducing oestrogen – the hormone that drives endometriosis. Because it only lowers oestrogen slightly, it can be taken for up to two years. In contrast, injectable hormone treatments can only be taken for 6 months because they lower oestrogen more powerfully and cause bone loss"

Lifestyle tricks that may also lower estrogen? Avoiding plastic, choosing organic when possible, using non-toxic makeup. 

How to stay in the moment

Are you a clock-timer or event-timer?

"If you’re the type who struggles to stay present — if too many of your minutes are punctuated by a million other worries about what you still need to get done — it can be helpful to make a conscious effort, every so often, to shift yourself into more of an event-timer mindset. Try thinking of your day in terms of a to-do list, which keeps the timing of individual tasks open-ended, rather than a calendar, which designates a chunk of time for each one. Or take a break when you feel fatigued, rather than sticking it out to the time you’d designated in your mind as an appropriate stopping point."

The pelvic floor and pain with sex

A good read on what pelvic floor physiotherapists do, and how they may help you with your 'down there' concerns. 


Female Friday


Female Friday