Moxibustion (Moxa) for Breech Babies

During birth, a baby should exit head first. Sometimes a baby isn’t in the head down during pregnancy - this is known as a breech position, and it’s a common presentation.

There are three common irregular presentations, they are:

  • Frank Breech: legs point up with feet by the baby’s head so the bottom would emerge first.

  • Complete Breech: legs folded with feet at the level of the baby’s bottom.

  • Footling Breech: one or both feet point down so the legs would emerge first.

During the late second and throughout the third trimester, your care provider will often assess baby’s position by palpating your abdomen. However, if there are any concerns, they’ll send you for an ultrasound.

If baby’s position is confirmed as a breech, your care provider may discuss an external cephalic version (ECV) with you - where they will try to manually turn the baby. Or, a caesarean may be discussed as an option as well.

Before that occurs though, there are a few things you can try in the meantime - specifically moxibustion (moxa).

What is Moxibustion (Moxa)?

Moxa (officially known as moxibustion) is a technique to help baby move into an optimal birthing position. It’s the application of heat using a moxa stick (composed of compressed mugwort) to a specific acupuncture point - Urinary Bladder 67, which is known to help facilitate your baby turning. 

It’s thought that moxa to UB67 may promote uterine contractility with increased fetal movement, causing the breech baby to turn to the optimal birthing position (cephalic position).

When to Start Moxibustion for Breech Baby

You can start moxa treatments around 33-36 weeks pregnant - ideally the earlier the better. Once your ND takes you through the initial moxa appointment, you can continue doing the treatments at home.

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Contraindications to Moxibustion for Breech Baby

  • Uterine and/or placental anomalies

  • Multiple gestation

  • Single or double footling breech

  • Vaginal bleeding

  • Ruptured membranes.

  • Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (ex. preeclampsia)

Next Steps

If your baby is breech, you can pair moxa appointments with your Chiropractor (who is familiar with the Webster Technique), and Spinning Babies movements. Have a breech baby? Feel free to book your moxa appointment here!


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