Mom Squad with Beth Yarzab (CareerFit Mom & Fitness Coach)

I had the pleasure of meeting Beth at the beautiful Evergreen Brickworks for a morning walk (how appropriate!). As we ventured through the lush, green trails and gazed at Toronto's skyline, we discussed the transitions mothers face as they acclimate to life after birth and how many of them opt for career transitions during this new stage. Beth is a certified Fitness Instructor Specialist and certified Personal Trainer Specialist through Can-Fit-Pro. Because of her extensive background in HR, she helps women to navigate their careers post-baby and help empower them to go after their goals and live the life they want. 

Grab a cup of tea or a foam roller (my glutes were firing today!) and learn why Beth is a perfect member of the #MomSquad.

What problem are you solving?

I help moms build confidence. So much changes when we have children. Our bodies are different, our career outlook may be different. As a Fitness Trainer and Career Coach for moms, I provide practical tools and motivation around women’s fitness and career development. When you’re feeling good in your body and your career, your confidence is boosted and nothing can stop you!

When should a woman access your services?

On the fitness side, CareerFit Mom has small group classes at oaks ‘n acorns (1856 Danforth Ave.) that women can take during pregnancy, during post-natal recovery and as their children grow.

On the career side, I typically help moms reinvent their career during the following transitions:

  • While they’re on maternity leave when they know they don’t want to go back to the job they were in
  • If they’ve been staying at home with kids and they want to re-enter the workforce
  • If they’re currently working, but hating it, and need help figuring out what they can do with their skills and qualifications, or need job search support

What’s your personal or professional motto?

This changes for me every year. Right now it’s: Slow Down, Experience Fully, Enjoy Flow.

What’s your favourite thing about your workspace?

That I can look outside to my backyard. Sometimes I see amazing birds like blue jays and cardinals!

What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day off right?

I’m up at 5:30 am. I drink warm water and lemon and make coffee! I’m working on adding 10 minutes of meditation with the Headspace app. I have an accountability partner that I read a Law of Attraction passage with for 10 minutes. Then I write to my Intuition in my journal to get clarity on any challenges I’m facing. I also write about my goals. Putting pen to paper to describe goals and your vision of success really helps make it happen! Finally, I usually do 30-45 minutes of exercise. I love the potential each morning brings.

What’s your favourite self-care practice?

Massage. Wine ;)

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Your work does not define your worth. Healthy at any size.

What unexpected lessons have you learned along the way?

I never knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur or that I would enjoy it so much.

Connect with Beth

Isn't Beth fantastic? If you want to learn more about her, or connect on social media you can do so at:

Twitter: @CareerFitMom
Instagram: @CareerFit_Mom

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Other #MomSquad members: Angelique Montano-Bresolin & Olivia Scobie


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