Some of My Favourite Smoothies

in the kitchen smoothies

When I have extra time in the morning, I make smoothies for breakfast. They make for a great meal (especially if you're on the go), and they're a fantastic source of fruits of vegetables - you can sneak so many things in! I used to use a food processor (my blender is horrible), and it took way too long and the end result was very messy. These morning frustrations led me to purchasing a Vitamix - an expensive, but fantastic decision! (Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday to me!) 

Here are a couple of recipes that I've recently enjoyed, and one that I'm nervous (but excited) to try!

Pink Power Detox Smoothie | A few years ago I was on a short-lived juice cleanse. I didn't enjoy it at all (does anyone?) and the taste of pure carrot juice still makes me shiver. But, it did introduce me to beets, and their sweet, but mellow flavour. After stumbling upon this recipe via twitter, I knew I had to try it out. The smoothie is sweet and tangy and is packed with fruits and vegetables - 5 servings!! (out of the recommended 10 per day). I'll definitely be making it again.

Green Juice | I admit, I haven't made this yet, but it's certainly on my short list. I've actually never tried green juice  (which is surprising considering what/where I study), but now I have the perfect tool - and I won't have to worry about small pieces of kale being stuck in my teeth.

Morning Smoothie | This (my personal recipe) tends to change on a daily basis, with substitutions happening if I've run out of certain ingredient, but the base recipe is as follows: healthy fat, fruit, and protein. That's it. I always make sure I have avocados on hand (why do they take forever to ripen?!), and at least a type of berry.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (I like Sunwarrior)
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 2 kale leaves (discard middle stem, and break leaves into pieces)
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of honey (optional - the banana is usually sweet enough)

Instructions: Blend together.


Passport to Prana - The Basement Yoga


in the kitchen