in the kitchen

photo (2)Yes, it's often difficult to experiment with new recipes in the weeks leading up to finals - but cooking is incredibly therapeutic for me. Sometimes I'll try something new (depending on time) or stick with an old favourite.Here's what I'm loving right now:1. Oven Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon | I ate brussel sprouts for the first time this past February (true story). I don't know why I waited so long - they're amazing! Thinking of the combination of brussel sprouts and bacon makes my mouth water - you must try this for yourself. If you're not a bacon eater, you can simply thinly slice the brussel spouts then sauté them in olive oil with a little salt and pepper.2. Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Sage Brown Butter | Although I should have probably recruited my nonna to help make the gnocci (she's a pro), the results are delicious! This was a hit with my family - even though there was squash! Please note that this recipe is a labour of love and will require a few hours - but you'll have enough gnocchi to last you for awhile.3. Superfood Energy Snacks | This recipe is reserved for the time when I want something sweet, yet healthy (aka. I don't want to resort to a donut to satisfy my sugar craving). It contains so many ingredients that are good for you (I discussed it here), and it's incredibly simple to make!


How to Stay Healthy During Exams


gym hopping: barreworks