How to Manage Heartburn During Pregnancy

Heartburn is a common discomfort for many pregnant people, and happen throughout each trimester - with the third trimester being the most common.

Hormonal changes, most notably an increase in progesterone levels, can cause the muscles in the digestive tract to relax, allowing gastric acids to flow back into the esophagus. Additionally, the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, further contributing to heartburn symptoms.

Risk Factors for Heartburn

  • Multiparity

  • Pre-existing heartburn

  • Advanced gestational age

  • Smoking

Natural Remedies for Heartburn in Pregnancy

Dietary Modifications

Avoid certain foods & beverages

Certain foods can prompt or worsen the symptoms of heartburn. These may include: fatty or spicy foods, chocolate, mints, caffeinated beverages, citrus juices, tomatoes & carbonated products.

In addition, using a diet diary may help you determine which foods are prompting your symptoms.

Consume frequent small meals

This helps avoid overfilling the stomach and reduces the likelihood of acid reflux. Additionally, eating slowly and thoroughly chewing each bite can aid digestion and minimize heartburn symptoms. You might also consider drinking fluids between meals, and limiting fluid intake with meals 

Lifestyle Modifications

Elevating the head during sleep

Using extra pillows or a wedge can help alleviate nighttime heartburn - especially when your head is raised by 10-15 cm. This may prevent gastric acids from flowing into the esophagus while sleeping.

Additionally, laying on your left side during sleep may also help to relieve discomfort.

Proper Posture

Maintaining an upright posture while eating, as well as after, may help prevent stomach acid from traveling back up into the esophagus. You may also want to avoid laying down within three hours after eating.

Other helpful ideas

  • Avoid tobacco use 

  • Chew gum to neutralize acid 

  • Increase physical activity to help with gastric motility 

Acupuncture for Heartburn

Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy, as providers should be avoiding any contraindicated points based on your gestational week. Acupuncture may help to minimize the feelings of heartburn and decrease some of the following symptoms:

  • Burning heat in the epigastric area

  • Distension and pain

  • Belching

  • Acid regurgitation

  • Vomiting

Common heartburn points can be found on the arms, legs, and feet.

Next Steps

Managing heartburn during pregnancy may require some lifestyle adjustments and dietary modifications, but experiencing relief is possible! Consider booking an appointment with a Naturopathic Doctor if you are interesting in trying acupuncture.


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