gym hopping: flirty girl fitness


A few months ago, a friend and I purchased a 5 class pass to Flirty Girl Fitness, a women's gym located downtown Toronto offering tons of fun and entertaining classes in the cardio/resistance/pilates/yoga/kickboxing spectrum.

We bought this pass because a) it was a great price (5 classes for $50) b) working out with a friend is more motivating than working out alone and c) exercise dates are fun! (especially when your muscles are on the verge of collapsing, you can share a meaningful look with your friend and know she feels the exact same way)

So far, I've been to this gym twice and tried two different classes: women & weights and sexy sculpt. Both classes were taught by the same instructor, who although was pretty good, kept reading off her instruction sheet. Can I give her a pass? Maybe... but since we attended both classes within a 2 month span, I feel like she should have the routine down pact. But that's fine - it's not a deal breaker.

I have to admit that these classes (at least the two I attended) weren't for beginners. While the instructor demonstrates how to do each move, she doesn't come around to modify your form, give advice, or ensure that the people at the back of the room saw what she was doing. This is very different in comparison to every class that I've taken (bootcamp, pilates, yoga, barre), where the instructor always provides feedback if necessary. Personally, I find the feedback very valuable as it's something to keep in mind for the next time you try a particular move so as to prevent injury now or in the future.

Nevertheless, these classes are a solid workout that give you the nice and sore feeling the day after (am I the only person that likes that feeling?). Flirty Girl Fitness is gorgeous with bright lights, dark wood floors, accented with pink and sparkles. And best of all, the music is amazing - it's like you're at a Top 40s club, but instead of fist pumping you're doing bicep curls... a lot of them.


gym hopping: barreworks


Passport to Prana: Moksha Thornhill