Friday Five

Check out this week's Friday Five! Text nicely, listen to serial, cook this soup, celebrate your squad, and don't have an instagram husband!

Let's embrace some zen during this crazy time of year! This photo may look like I went to Thailand, but I actually visited a vineyard in Portugal which was full of these and other zen-like sculptures. Naturally my husband was obliged to take some photos where I mimicked poses (I guess that does make him an instagram husband - see below!).

I have some pretty big news - I finally got my license and now I'm practising in the Bloor West Village at Aspire Health. If you'd like more information, click here. Don't forget that your benefits expire at the end of December.  So if you're wanting to check out what Naturopathic Medicine can do for your health, there's no time better than the present!

Don't text like a jerk. Forget everything that your english teacher taught you - don't end a sentence with a period. You come off insincere if you do that. So next time you get a text wanting to hang out - end it with an exclamation mark or an emoji!

Serial Season 2. Well I know what I'll be listening to during my morning walks. This season is about the military. For a more detailed explanation, click here.

Year of the Squad. This year has been my year of the squad. Between my clinical intern year, bachelorette and wedding parties, and girls nights - it's safe to say that I love my girlfriends. And here are 12 TV girlfriends that you probably love too (and wish they were part of your squad).

Carrot and Fennel Soup. There seems to be about 10 pounds of carrots at my house, so I'm going to make this soup over the weekend.

Instagram Husbands. Like me, you've probably watched this about 3 times. But if you haven't yet seen this, you're in for quite the treat. I wonder if my husband thinks he's an instagram husband...


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