Friday Five

riday five. Here are 5 things I'm loving this week!

I purchased a groupon while we were abroad so I could make a photo book (thereby condensing our 2000+ photos). While it's been time-consuming, it's been fun going through these pictures and remembering the significance of each.  This is photo is from Venice, taken far away from the crowds. My partner and I got gelato, and decided to eat it on one of the many bridges. I stuck with my trusty bacio, but tried a new flavour - fior di latte. It was milky and delicious. He got frutta di bosco and pistachio (my plan B - we have the same taste apparently). While this gelato was incredible, and a nice change from St. Clair's offerings, I have to say that lemon sorbet was my absolute favourite - we got it in Monterosso (part of the Cinque Terre).

Here are 5 other thing's I'm loving this week:

GF Pumpkin Spice Bread. The creator of this recipe says this is the best bread. I have to agree with her - it's moist and not overly sweet. When I made it, it was eating within a day and a half. And despite it being gluten-free, my dad liked it too! When I baked it, I subbed the spices for actual pumpkin spice (found at my local Bulk Barn) - for 1 generous teaspoon. Add it to your meal prep this weekend, cut it up and package 7 slices, and cross your fingers it lasts for those 7 days. Good luck!

Instagram star quitting social media. I'm sure everyone has heard about this story by now (both the instagram star's account and the rebuttal from people who knew her... and are calling her out on it). At the end of the day, she felt that her self-worth was linked to likes and numbers. And this began when she was 12! Imagine all the other teenagers going through this today - especially since they've grown up in this socially connected culture (I didn't grow up with it, I got Facebook when I began university... almost 10 years ago). I think this topic brings about a wider message and thought - how is social media affecting our kids and teens, and how can we give them tools to ensure that their self-worth isn't tied to likes and followers?

/// This is a bonus link (I can do that because I make the rules). I was watching the Social on Wednesday and one of the commentators brought up this story - a university student struggling with depression ended her life. Through her struggle she tried to maintain a 'happy' facade while putting up carefully curated photos on Instagram to make it appear like everything was okay. How many people do you think hide behind these filters and perfectly curated photos acting like everything is okay? As a society, how can we reach out to these struggling individuals and offer them the support that they need? ///

It Takes Guts. I was SO excited while I watched this over the weekend (and forced my parents into watching this too). This episode of the CBC show, The Nature of Things, talked about bacteria and why they're so important in weight loss. The video is about an hour long, but I highly recommend it. They also have other great episodes that I can't wait to check out.

Good News about Worrying. I really resonated with this article, especially when it came to opening up the envelopes of my boards and licensing exam results. I felt like I was in limbo all summer, but luckily I had a house and wedding to distract me. "Set your expectations low and think through the negative possibilities,” Dr. Norem said. “It drives optimists crazy. But it shifts your attention away from feelings of anxiety to what you can do to address the disaster that might happen.

Why Not Me?. I've loved Mindy Kaling since she first appeared on the office. Kelly Kapoor was ridiculous (in all honesty, almost 85% of the characters were), and I was so excited when Mindy got her own show (she talks about that journey in here!). Her newest book, is a fun and light read, especially when you're in the worst hotel in Lombardia. My favourite part was the alternate-reality love story - I would watch that movie.


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