Female Friday
Do you ever have one of those weeks where the ideas keep coming and you can't keep up? Sometimes, I need to slow down and just plan things out. Like a 5 year plan. Has anyone made one of those? It's pretty daunting! I suppose I haven't really sat down and planned things out since I finished school. It was always a plan to be a doctor, find a place to work, and live. And I am - but then there's always the "what's next?"
So here's to spending some time planning and thinking - especially as the year is closely coming to an end. And if thinking happens best outside in colourful company, whether it be trees or graffiti, so be it.
5 links that you should check out:
Are your period cramps normal? | Spoiler: Small cramping, yes. Terrible cramping, no. We've been though this on my site plenty of times before - however, repetition is key!
Eat chocolate to help with cramps | In all honesty, I'm very picky when it comes to chocolate. So when it contains a bunch of TCM herbs, I would be wary because of the potential taste. Also, I don't want another temporary fix for my period - I want a long-lasting answer! I'll skip the TCM herbs for some TCM acupuncture!
Fertility Problems on the Rise? | Potentially yes, at least with current research around males. Next steps? If you're struggling to get pregnant - go see a doc! (And yes, that also includes a ND for good measure).
Your guide to birth control | I thought this was a cool site to play around with. It explains all the current methods of birth control including an IUD, fertility awareness, and withdrawal. The more you know!
Ontario's Fertility Program | Back in 2015, the Ontario government began a fertility program where it would cover the cost of one IVF, AI, and IUI treatment. Here's how the program is looking today!