Female Friday


Was I the only one obsessed with Peanuts when I was a kid? I would skip right over to the comics section of the newspaper on Saturday and read the latest one. I admit, Woodstock was my favourite character, but I couldn't resist taking this badass picture of Lucy off of King St. It's been a pretty good week for me, I treated myself to a day off earlier this week and then just organized myself and commitments for the next few months. Honestly, there's something satisfying about recording things in my agenda and crossing things off a list. It must be the Type A in me.

Here are my picks of the week:

Liver Qi Stagnation / *Reader question* "Hi Alexsia, you mention the liver quite often on your website. What's the difference between the TCM liver and our actual liver. And what is liver qi stagnation?"

Male Birth Control / British Scientists are on their way to developing a male birth control pill and/or spray which stops sperm from swimming (and reaching the female egg). A man could potentially take this hours or minutes before sex as a method of birth control? What do you think? Personally, I'm always amazed to see what breakthroughs science can achieve - but without long-term studies on male fertility, I would be hesitant to use this as a first-line birth control option. Moreover, I'd be interested to know if men would actually use this - or does the responsibility for contraceptives fall to the women.

Do you suffer in silence? / The fact that period pain isn't normal is becoming more and more well known each day! Do you talk to your friends about period pain? I remember discussing it with my friends back in high school - but I was lucky enough not to experience any cramping. When I started attending CCNM - I certainly talked about it more and more!

8 habits we should have in our 20s /  I'll be entering my 30s in less than a year and a half - and I've been finding that now I'm working (vs. being in school), I'm more sedentary than usual and sometimes the weight can creep up. So, here's to focusing a bit more on these health habits (like being more active after celebration days and spending more time cooking some great meals!).

GF Pumpkin Spice Bread / Yes, I'm the friend who brings GF and DF meals to potlucks. I don't often try a new recipe out - only because I want to vet it (and have my husband and/or brother vet it because they will tell me the truth about taste). This pumpkin bread is a staple in my house - I often make 2-3 loaves at a time because it's so delicious! If you're in a baking mood this weekend and have been always wanting to try something that's gluten-free, definitely bake this!

Hope you enjoyed these links as much as me! If you come across anything you think I might like, please send them my way!

Have a great weekend - A.


Why sleeping in isn't the answer


'Treat Yo Self' to a Day Off