5 Simple Tips To Reset Your Health This Fall

Fall always seems like the start of the year for me - it's an exciting time always brimming with new possibilities. I love using the first few weeks of September to hit the reset button on my health to help fix all the (not so fun) issues that summer has caused - burned skin, funky digestion, sluggish liver thanks to sangria/barbecues/sugar, etc.

During the fall I want to feel energized, have smooth digestion, and be able to concentrate on all my goals and projects until the end of the year.

5 Simple Tips

1. Warm lemon water in the morning

Lemon water acts by stimulating the liver's detoxification enzymes and helps with the production of bile, so that all the toxins floating around your body are eventually cleared out.

2. Healing digestion

Get things regular by eating whole foods, fruits and vegetables containing fibre. Use this time to eliminate refined sugary treats, fried foods, packaged foods, and any foods that you may be sensitive to.

3. Meal planning

This is honestly one of my favourite things to do! I truly enjoy taking a few hours of out of my weekend to plan the meals that I want to make for the week. Not only do I find cooking meals incredibly therapeutic - but it takes out the guessing of what to make for dinner after a busy day at work, minimizes food waste and saves money! During the fall, there's always pots of chicken stew and butternut squash soup simmering on the stove. Check out some of my favourite cookbooks and websites for healthy recipes. 

4. Minimizing toxins

In the spirit of getting rid of unnecessary toxins in your body, choose organic when shopping for foods on the dirty dozen listswap out your plastic food containers for nice glass ones, and be sure to pick up a nice stainless steel water bottle or tea thermos. 

5. Break a sweat

With the cooler breezes, this is a great time to discover some hidden trails in your neighbourhood, or finally sign up for that hot yoga class! If you're running low on time - spend 10 minutes of your lunch break and get outside for a change of scenery and breath of fresh air.

Next Steps

Fall resets don't only have to rely on the five tips above - you can certainly add in a customized detox diet, supplements, acupuncture and even botanicals to take your reset to the next level! If you're looking for additional support and accountability, book an appointment with your local Naturopathic Doctor. I tailor all my programs to fit your needs, and make recommendations easy enough to fit your busy lifestyle.


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